
Developer with interests in gameplay programming and AI development for videogames. I also love the procedural generated worlds with simulated "life" and how with a few and sometimes very simple algorithms you can achieve complex worlds and interesting behaviors, I would love to improve those skills and create amazing projects.

Gameplay & AI developer.

  • Age: 26
  • Degree: HND in Computing

My favorite type of games are open-world roleplay games, being my favorite one The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion because of the AI that the NPC's have on that game, their behaviors and the stories that you can live inside its world.

I also love watching and playing simulations, being one of my main interests, as I love to see how a world can evolve based on a set of variables and algorithms. It is very nice to see the patterns that algorithms like an ant simulation can create by changing small details of the simulation itself.

Those are just a few examples of what I like to do, related to playing or developing software.



HND in Computing

2020 - 2023

ESAT (Escuela Superior de Arte y Tecnología), Valencia

  • Formation as a gameplay and AI programmer.
  • 1 year dedicated to learning AI techniques in different areas (procedural generation and agents).
  • Formation as an Unreal Engine developer having worked in a professional project with game designers and artists.

Vocational studies as multi platform software developer

2018 - 2020

IES el Grao, Valencia

  • Basic and mid level introduction to multi platform software development with java, html, xml, css and SQL.

Professional Experience

Junior gameplay programmer

South Park: Snow Day!
Black Forest Games GmbH

JANUARY 2024 - APRIL 2024
  • Gameplay programming tasks.
  • Networking related tasks in Unreal Engine.
  • C++ and Blueprints (Unreal Engine 4.27).

AI Programmer

INVICTA: The Next Queen
Dark Moth Games

SEPTEMBER 2022 - JULY 2023
  • AI design & programming.
  • Gameplay programming.
  • Systems design & programming.

Project Co-founder and main programmer

Gothic RP - Minecraft Roleplaying Server

SEPTEMBER 2019 - JULY 2020
  • Mechanical, dynamic and game design.
  • Economy system design.
  • Full time gameplay programmer.
  • Server administration.


Unreal Engine

Unity Engine


Android Studio




Programming Languages




GLSL (OpenGL Shading Language)
